WHEN: Friday, April 10, 2015, 6:00 to 9:00pm
WHERE: Southwestern Energy, 1000 SWN Drive, Conway, AR 72033
WHY: Bee-cause it’s fun!
Do you hear that buzz?
It’s the sound of corporate hives all over Conway flexing their spelling muscles in anticipation of Literacy Action of Central Arkansas’ First Annual Conway Corporate Spelling Bee! We invite you to be a part of this unique event, combining community philanthropy with corporate team building.
Here’s how it works
Participating companies are represented by three-member teams of spellers. These teams compete against one another in a single elimination spell-off. Each team gets one chance per round to spell a word correctly. (Each team starts with one free Spellingan, and can purchase additional spelligans during THE BEE to buy themselves out of a word they don’t want to spell). Literacy Action provides full Bee rules, word practice lists and instructions.
Is your hive up to the challenge?
In years past, over 50 companies have vied for the chance to win the Conway Corporate Spelling Bee. This year Literacy Action is bringing the glitz and glamour of THE BEE back to Conway with a whole new attitude – it’s cool to spell competitively! There will be libations, hors d’oeuvres and a lively crowd. Which companies are brave enough to compete for the Golden Hive?
Interested teams or sponsors should contact Sara Drew at sdrew@www.literacyactionar.org before registering online. Team entry fee is $500. We have THE BEE sponsorships of $2,000, $1,000, $500 (all that include a team entry) and $250. You can also purchase a letter for $100 and be a part of our ABC’s for Literacy Campaign. Individual Tickets are $20 and can be purchased from our website.
Updated information for THE BEE can be found on our Facebook Page for the event.
Thank you to our current 2015 BEE sponsors: Southwestern Energy, Brooks Design, Oxford American and the Conway Area Chamber of Commerce.